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Airport Regulations
What are the US Airport wildlife regulations and where do I find them ?
FAA Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Program
During the past century, wildlife-aircraft strikes have resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives worldwide, as well as billions of dollars in aircraft damage. In 2009, US Airways flight 1549 collided with a flock of Canada geese shortly after departing from LaGuardia International Airport (LGA). That incident in particular increased public awareness of wildlife strikes and highlighted the many challenges associated with balancing of wildlife hazards and safe airports operations.
The Federal Aviation Administration maintains a comprehensive program to address wildlife hazards. Through policy and guidance, research and outreach, we strive to stay ahead of the issue.
You can find the US (FAA) regulations here:
Where can I find the Canadian Airport Wildlife Regulations (CARs) ?
The risk of aircraft collisions with wildlife (animal strikes) is increasing as air traffic grows. Contributing factors include increases in high hazard bird populations, increases in air traffic volumes, the use of quiet two-engine aircraft, plus the restriction of open space environments suitable for birds outside of airports due to urban encroachment. Highly publicized events, such as the crash of US Airways Flight 1549 into the Hudson River when departing LaGuardia Airport, New York City because of a goose strike in January 2009, have added to the public concern. To ensure that airports are prepared to recognize and mitigate wildlife hazards at airports, the Canadian Aviation Regulations (2006), require the development, implementation and maintenance of Airport Wildlife Management Plans (AWMPs) at Canadian airports that meet the criteria contained in the amended regulations. (Hesse, G., et al., Wildlife management practices at western Canadian airports, Journal of Air Transport Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2009.11.003).
You can find the regulations at :
What are the Canadian Airport wildlife Regulations (CARs) regulatory requirements ?
The airport wildlife planning and management aspects apply specifically to sites:
– that within the previous calendar year had 2,800 or more movements of commercial passenger-carrying aircraft operating under CAR subparts four or five of Part VII;
– that are located within built-up areas;
– that have a waste disposal facility within 15 km of the airport’s geometric centre;
– that have at any time had an incident where a turbinepowered aircraft collided with wildlife other than a bird and suffered damage, collided with more than one bird, or ingested a bird through its engine; or
– where the presence of wildlife hazards has been observed in an airport flight pattern or movement area.Data collection Section
302.303 of the new regulation requires all operators of airports in Canada to collect and report data on wildlife strikes to monitor risk. This minimal obligation ensures sufficient protection without imposing unnecessary costs on airports where risk is determined to be low.Risk analysis Section
302.304 requires operators to which the regulation applies to conduct risk analyses based on information collected in accordance with section 322.304 of the Airport Standards – Airport Wildlife Planning and Management. The risk analysis must be conducted after consultation with a representative sample of airport users, and must address directly wildlife hazards identified onsite.General requirements
Section 302.305 establishes that operators of airports to which the regulation applies must, after 30 December 2006, submit a compliant airport wildlife management plan to the Minister upon request. The plan must also be reviewed every two years, and be readily available onsite.Wildlife management plan
Section 302.306 sets out requirements for airport wildlife management plans, which must address all risks identified at each site. Among other things, the plan must:– detail measures used by the operator to manage or mitigate risks;
– describe actions taken with respect to firearm use, wildlife control permits, wildlife management logs, etc.; and
– identify the personnel and agencies involved in wildlife management.
Section 302.307 describes requirements for training of all personnel who have duties related to airport wildlife management. Delivered according to a curriculum set out in the standard, training must be renewed every five years. Airport operators must also maintain records of all training.Communications and alerting procedures
Section 302.308 calls for airport operators to ensure effective procedures are in place to inform pilots as soon as possible of wildlife hazards. These communications may be provided through air traffic services, direct radio contact, broadcast of airport advisories, UNICOM, etc.
Wildlife Questions
How do we explain the Snowy Owl unusual numbers?
“In the winter 2013-14, an invasion of Arctic snowy owls occurred. They were moving south in record numbers, many of them taking up residence in airports. Driven by a search for food, the birds were appearing in large numbers in central and eastern Canada and the American northeast.
Experts aren’t sure what’s causing this “irruption,” a term used when birds migrate outside their normal range. But there are likely two reasons: There may have been a collapse in the Arctic lemming population — a favourite food source — or a boom during the last (Snowy Owl) breeding season that has increased competition for food.” (Isabel Teotonio, Living reporter, THE STAR, Published on Fri Jan 03 2014)