Where can I find the Canadian Airport Wildlife Regulations (CARs) ?

The risk of aircraft collisions with wildlife (animal strikes) is increasing as air traffic grows. Contributing factors include increases in high hazard bird populations, increases in air traffic volumes, the use of quiet two-engine aircraft, plus the restriction of open space environments suitable for birds outside of airports due to urban encroachment. Highly publicized events, such as the crash of US Airways Flight 1549 into the Hudson River when departing LaGuardia Airport, New York City because of a goose strike in January 2009, have added to the public concern. To ensure that airports are prepared to recognize and mitigate wildlife hazards at airports, the Canadian Aviation Regulations (2006), require the development, implementation and maintenance of Airport Wildlife Management Plans (AWMPs) at Canadian airports that meet the criteria contained in the amended regulations. (Hesse, G., et al., Wildlife management practices at western Canadian airports, Journal of Air Transport Management (2009), doi:10.1016/j.jairtraman.2009.11.003).

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